

The olive plant and its fruit has been the subject of discussion of many philosophers, from Orazio, Virgilio to Catone. This last one in his treaty De Agricoltura speaks of the many benefits and uses of this precious fruit and he even proposes a series of recipes that heavily features them. Among these is the Epityrum, a paté of olives that relies on the aromatic herbs in the recipe to draw out all of the flavors from this fruit from the gods.

Our recipe preserves the original aromatic herbs as described by Catone and we deviated only to find the best olive to pair with the other ingredients.

Ingredients: olives, mint, coriander, cumin, wild fennel, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil.

Pairing recommendations: pizza pairs especially well with this sauce, with toasted or plain bread, as a condiments for pasta or any other cereal, either alone or accompanied with other condiments, on red meat, white meats, like chicken breasts, fish, on boiled dishes, meat based or vegetable based, boiled eggs, salads and cheeses.

Ancient Romans used condiments and sauces on every kind of dish. Our suggestions aim to point the consumer toward pairings that we have found to enhance the meal experience. However, we would encourage you to find your own combinations and to experiment with our sauces just like we did, to find what works best for your individual tastes.

Olive tree - Villa Adriana a Tivoli
medicina_antichi romani
Bassorilievo of medics in ancient Rome